Population (2016): Population (2011):Private dwellings: Dwellings occupied by usual residents: Land area Population Density |
121313 10521644135 42948 105.71 km² 1147.6/km² |
2015 Results - 2015 Prediction
Reference - Pundits’ Guide (2013 Rep. Order)
 | Michael Cooper |
26783 | 45.20% |
 | Beatrice Ghettuba |
13343 | 22.50% |
 | Brent Rathgeber ** |
11652 | 19.70% |
 | Darlene Malayko |
6609 | 11.20% |
 | Andrea Oldham |
821 | 1.40% |
2011 Results (redistributed)
 | |
27627 | 64.48% |
 | |
8600 | 20.07% |
 | |
4642 | 10.83% |
 | |
1973 | 4.61% |
Component Riding(s) (2003 Representation Order)
Edmonton-St. Albert
(99.9% of voters in current riding)
2011/2008/2004 Predictions
Reference - Pundits’ Guide
Westlock-St. Paul
(0.1% of voters in current riding)
2011/2008/2004 Predictions
Reference - Pundits’ Guide
 | 21/10/19 |
Tony Ducey |
Michael Cooper is who he is but this is still Alberta and he's Conservative so he'll get in again. |
 | 09/10/19 |
R.O. |
There was an interesting race here in 2015 although not that much going on here this year, Michael Cooper has been the mp since 2015 and cpc is polling well ahead in Alberta . |
 | 20/09/19 |
Eddie E |
My home riding. Cons won here easily in 2015 even with a liberal wave and a strong independent conservative candidate. This time around expect a 60% plus margin for Cooper, even after he was booted by Scheer from the justice committee for racist questioning. Libs and Greens are pretty much persona non grata in Alberta, the federal NDP have self-imploded, and nothing really stands in the way of an overwhelming Conservative sweep of the province (with the possible exception of Edmonton Center which lll comment on shortly). |
 | 15/09/19 |
A.S. |
One wonders what the fallout will be from Cooper's Christchurchgate controversy--if any; after all, this is Alberta, and if Rob Anders could be eternal, so could anyone. (Though if Cooper's share falls even with no Brent Rathgeber on the ballot, don't say I didn't warn you.) |
 | 28/02/19 |
Sam |
Michael Cooper won this seat by nearly 20 points despite a Conservative independent on the ballot. It's hard to say who those votes will go to now, but all of them would have to go Liberal for Cooper to have a chance of losing, which is going to be near-impossible in an exurban riding like this. |
 | 02/03/19 |
Lolitha |
Knowing this area it likely remains Conservative barring a surprise. |