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11:05 AM 28/03/2007

Projet D'Élection Prévision

élection générale (Canada) - 2007

Profil de circonscription

Cloutier, Jean
Bloc Québécois
Gagné, France
New Democratic
Latendresse, Alexandrine
Leone, Hélène H.
Verner, Josée

L'hon. Josée Verner

2006 Résultats:
Josée Verner
Bernard Cleary **
Isa Gros-Louis
Robert Donnelly
Christian Légaré
Lucien Gravelle

prévision/résultats historiques
06 prévision /04 résultats
04 prévision /00 résultats

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08 10 12 Tyler
dls, The conservative momentum you talk about is what the caused the massive difference in the last election between first and second place (over 10,000 votes!). Two elections ago, when everyone expected the conservatives to win no seats, and they didn't, this was the place that had the highest conservative vote and was a close second place. The result even made Harper place Verner as a special quebec advisor prior to the 2006 election.
In other words, predicting this seat to not go Conservative would be the equivalent of predicting no seats for the conservatives in Québec.
08 10 11 dls
Josée Verner swept to this seat on a wave of Conservative momentum in 2006. Given Conservative poll numbers in the Capitale Nationale, for instance Luc Harvey trailing by 14 points in Louis Hébert, she might be swept away in rising anti-Conservative sentiment... but I doubt it. To be fair it wouldnt surprise me either, especially with Labeaume criticism of Verner. It will be surprisingly close on Tuesday.
08 02 18 A.S.
Interesting to mull over how universal the ‘reach’ of CPC was in their strongest Quebec ridings; here, as in Beauce, they swept something like every single poll--and unlike Beauce, there was also a BQ incumbent running here...
07 10 08 John
This one will stay Conservative.
Effective or not, Josee Verner is in the Cabinet and from time to time gets press coverage. Perhaps more important than being ineffective, she hasn't done anything to commit political suicide.
On top of that, it doesn't look like a non-Conservative sweep of Parliament any time soon.
07 06 20
Jos?e Verner est une ministre-vedette du gouvernement Harper et qui fait de la politique en bonne m?re de famille.
De plus, elle est l'une des d?put?es conservatrices qui incarne le respect et, m?me avec le simili-scandale qui ?clabousse son conjoint, elle sera r??lue facilement!
Le Bloc et les lib?raux ne sont plus une menace, ici.
07 05 09 M.C.
Il est vrai que Josée Verner du Parti Conservateur est la députée-vedette dans Louis-Saint-Laurent. Son image très progressiste et ses positions libérales sur les question sociales pourraient assurer sa ré-élection mais si elle était très à droite la-dessus, elle serait en difficulté.
07 04 18 Dr Bear & Prof Ape
Ineffective or not, Verner IS a member of cabinet and will likely be again after a potential CPC win in the next election. Besides, Verner won by a massive margin and the CPC (as well as the Liberals) are up in Quebec. The BQ are apparently at their lowest polling ever. Very easy Conservative hold (much the same can be said for most of their other Quebec ridings: Beauce, Levis, Chute de la Chaudier, Jonquiere, etc).
07 04 03 P.P.
To me, this should be a too close to call. Of all the ministers from Quebec, she has been the most innefficient according to analysts. Will the Quebec region still want to be different from the rest of Quebec again? Not sure
07 03 29 M. Lunn
Josee Verner is popular enough that the Tories should at least win this riding in Quebec City. The other ridings however are up for grabs despite the ADQ strength.
07 03 26 Jay
An easy Conservative hold! Biggest vote count for the Tories in 2004 and second biggest in 2006. No contest.
07 03 26 Smok Wawelski
Josee Verner will win once again in Louis St Laurent. Even though she has not been all that high profile, I think the Tories have an increasingly secure base in the Quebec City area that will only become more so with the rise of ADQ.
07 03 25 Angry Ontarian
Any Quebec Conservative who 'almost' won in 2004 has nothing to fear in 2007. Josee Verner won massively, and being an effective Cabinet Minister never hurts.
07 03 25 Alex Bednar
Josée Verner, cabinet minister and one of the Conservative Party's star candidates in Quebec should hold onto her seat.
07 03 27 Nick J Boragina
with the ADQ surge in Quebec, I think it's safe to say that the federal Conservatives will benefit from that, and at minimum hold on to this, one of their strongest ridings in the province.

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