Constituency Profile
Green Party Darren Johnson |  |
Conservative Party Gemma Townsend |  |
Socialist Alternative Ian Page |  |
Labour Party Joan Ruddock |  |
Christian Peoples Alliance Malcolm Martin |  |
Liberal Democrats Tamora Langley |
Incumbent: |
Joan Ruddock Lewisham, Deptford (97.7 %) |
Bridget Prentice Lewisham East (14.8 %) |
Jim Dowd Lewisham West (1.5 %) |
Electorate: |
Current | 67682 |
2005 | 66714 |
Transposed 2005 Result: Source: Electoral Calculus |
 | 19167 |
 | 4393 |
 | 6073 |
Minor Parties | 3337 |
Other | 1808 |
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 | 10 04 06 |
Safe Bets |
Labour racked up some 10K+ margin here in the last election. It would require some catastrophic circumstances for them to lose this seat. Gordon Brown and the Labour party appear to have moved past its worst poll numbers and are regaining some ground. While they may not win the election, it is reasonable to expect safe seats like this one to return to the Labour fold. |