Constituency Profile
Green Party Ashley Gunstock |  |
Conservative Party Ed Northover |  |
Liberal Democrats Farooq Qureshi |  |
UK Independence Party Graham Wood |  |
British National Party Jim Clift |  |
Labour Party John Cryer |  |
Independents Federation UK Martin Levin |  |
Christian Party Sonika Bhatti |
Incumbent: |
Harry Cohen Leyton & Wanstead (100 %) |
Mr Lee Scott Ilford North (2 %) |
Electorate: |
Current | 62960 |
2005 | 61860 |
Transposed 2005 Result: Source: Electoral Calculus |
 | 15617 |
 | 7748 |
 | 8474 |
Other | 2296 |
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 | 10 04 25 |
Former Resident |
LD target #111. Labour incumbent has stood down, having been caught out to the tune of 65k on his expenses. However the change in candidate may be enough to rescue this for Labour. Lab hold. Ladbrokes Lab 2/7 LD 7/2 Con 7/1 |