Constituency Profile
Green Party Alan Francis |  |
Independent Anant Vyas |  |
Labour Party Andrew Pakes |  |
Liberal Democrats Jill Hope |  |
Christian Peoples Alliance John Lennon |  |
Conservative Party Mark Lancaster |  |
Official Monster Raving Loony Party Matt ' Bananamatt' Fensome |  |
UK Independence Party Michael Phillips |  |
British National Party Richard Hamilton |
Incumbent: |
Mr Mark Lancaster North East Milton Keynes (83.9 %) |
Dr Phyllis Starkey Milton Keynes South West (16.2 %) |
Electorate: |
Current | 75312 |
2005 | 79336 |
Transposed 2005 Result: Source: Electoral Calculus |
 | 19182 |
 | 17717 |
 | 9872 |
Other | 3119 |
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 | 10 04 19 |
EP |
Competitive Seat. LibDem is doing well overall in the region, but they have large hill to climb, and their recent records on council is not promising. Likely Tory hold. |