Constituency Profile
Bélair Rolland, Janice |  |
Côté, Fobozof A. |  |
Dionne Labelle, Pierre |  |
Fortin, Rhéal |  |
Leckman, Joey |  |
Vignol, Romain |
Component Riding(s) Circonscription(s) constituant
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 | 15 09 02 |
A.S. |
Perhaps worth monitoring the Bloc result here given that RdN contains PKP's provincial seat--though at the rate things are going for the Bloc, maybe in more of a PKP-embarrassing 'how low can you go' sense... |
 | 15 03 28 |
monkey |
A fairly nationalist riding so should probably go NDP, but I am holding off calling as Quebecers are known for switching on a moment's notice. |
 | 15 03 24 |
Dr. Bear |
Orange is the new light blue in Quebec and BQ strongholds that swung solidly to the NDP will be easier for the Dippers to hold. This riding swung hard to orange side and will likely stay that way. |
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