 | 08 10 13 |
Stephen |
Shocked at how this one is being misread. Ottawa Citizen actually has it going to the Liberals(?) despite a very WEAK candidate. Hay River has always been a strong area for Conservative votes, and this won't change. If you've been to Yellowknife lately, you know that Bell has at least a majority of the votes here. And he's well liked in Inuvik. You win those three towns, nothing can stop you. Mark my words - Brendan Bell wins this one by at least 600 votes. |
 | 08 10 03 | |
Fort Smith will vote for Dennis in a bloc and that goes a long way especially with weak Fed Liberal status |
 | 08 09 25 |
Arcticcat |
A smart and talented aboriginal woman, against a former do-nothing Territorial cabinet minister, and a sitting MP who won as a protest? No contest here folks. Liberals will pick-up in the Western Arctic in 2008. |
 | 08 09 15 |
Canadian Male |
Mackenzie Scott a talented Aboriginal women will combine her support in Yellowknife with the support of Aboriginal, Metis and Inuit communities and will take this riding by a couple hundred votes. |
 | 08 09 11 |
Yellowknifer |
This one is going to be a surprise for many people from down South (although not so much for Northerners). The Conservative candidate Brendan Bell is a respected former territorial cabinet minister. He's been out knocking on doors and building a campaign team since the last territorial election when he didn't run again in order to seek the Conservative nomination. A number of big players in the North are officially or quietly supporting him. |
 | 08 09 03 |
gl |
Safe NDP. The Liberals have lost their star candidate in their 2006 defeat and they need a superstar to win again. Tories and Greenies irrelevant. |
 | 08 08 27 |
Pierre from Québec |
NDP hold. Dennis Bevington will get no less than 55% of the popular vote. Jack Layton frequent trips to this ridding will help the NDP get a record vote. |
 | 08 02 10 |
A.S. |
Well, this is the seat which brought out Jack Layton's Diefenbakerian ‘sea to sea to shining sea’ campaign best--now, with Bevington *and* Mulcair in tow, Layton can *really* boast about the NDP being a true national party. Only a superstar Liberal or wholesale NDP collapse will take Western Arctic away, now. |
 | 07 09 25 |
Christopher |
While Jack Layton's trip helped secure the NDP victory here in 2006, Bevington came close to winning it in 2004. He's personally popular, works hard and has the incumbent advantage. I don't see this changing in the next election. |
 | 07 07 28 |
binriso |
Any very high profile candidate for any party could potentially win this seat and ill mark it TCTC. NDP edge though so far, although it will all depend on the candidate and if the leaders make a big trek up North during the campaign. Jack Layton's visit up there virtually handed the riding over to the NDP last time. |
 | 07 04 01 |
Nick J Boragina |
Bevington has done a good job as MP for this riding, and still remains popular here. Even with a drop in the polls for the NDP, personality counts for quite a bit up north. Bevington should be easily re-elected. |