Constituency Profile
Albas, Dan |  |
Mellalieu, Robert |  |
Scott, Karley |  |
Wood, Angelique |
Component Riding(s) Circonscription(s) constituant
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 | 15 10 07 |
A.S. |
With things no longer looking as '1988 revisited' as they did a month ago, expect COSN to return to a 'Stockwell Day's former seat' normal. However, if we *were* looking at 1988 all over again, I, for one, don't think West Kelowna would have been that much of a cramp (the NDP were still over 20% in 2011 in that portion, anyway) |
 | 15 08 25 |
Yes, the NDP has won a nominally similar riding before but it had very different boundaries, which made it more demographically similar to South Okanagan-West Kootenay. The problem for the NDP here is West Kelowna. It's pretty safe so say the NDP will win in the Similkameen and Nicola, which are both fairly neutral territory provincially. Westside and the small sliver of Kelowna City included are VERY unfriendly to the NDP. Demographically I see some hope, but it hasn't been reflected in voting habits yet. This is still close enough to hold off on a call (308 showing the NDP 4% back), but it leans Conservative... For now.... |
 | 15 08 07 |
Follow The Numbers |
The NDP has won ridings like this before and the BC Interior is one of those great sleeper regions for the party. With the Conservatives down in BC and the NDP on the rise, look for this riding to turn orange. |
 | 15 08 03 |
Jan |
The NDP has won this riding in the past when it was Okanagan?Similkameen. The situation is similar to 1988 when the NDP surged in BC and surpassed the Conservatives in many rural BC ridings. NDP win. |
 | 15 07 26 |
R.O. |
This is still more of a right of centre area federally and provincially , there is a big gap from 2011 numbers for ndp to overcome here . current mp Dan Albas is still running for the cpc and liberal and ndp candidates aren't really that high profile. It was also Stockwell Days old riding and generally considered to be a conservative area politically. |
 | 15 07 13 |
Dr Bear |
While the CPC seem to be holding on to this riding, the polling numbers show that the NDP are encroaching even here. If the numbers persist, then even this seat is not safe. |
 | 15 03 25 |
JC |
This is a blue riding, doesn't matter if the Tories don't have a candidate here, they could run the devil himself here so long as he was blue and they'd win, this is Stockwell Day's former stomping ground, they will win this seat easily. |
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