Constituency Profile
Hlady, Dustan |  |
Juttla, Perry |  |
Lukiwski, Tom |  |
Setyo, Shawn |  |
Thomas, Robert |
Component Riding(s) Circonscription(s) constituant
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 | 15 10 13 |
Teddy Boragina |
I noticed this riding had fewer than 5 party predictions, and decided to throw my hat into the ring. Moose Jaw is a potential NDP win, but unluckily for the NDP, this riding has a large rural voting population, and as such, favours the Tories. |
 | 15 09 28 |
A.S. |
Ray Boughen retires and Lewvan's uncongenial; so, practical solution for Tom Lukiwski--replace Boughen. As for signs of Moose Jaw swinging away--look, we know the Sask 'rurban' pattern well enough by now, there's enough rural wall o'blue to beat urban orange to a pulp. But still, as insurance just in case the national NDP returns to first-place contenderdom from pending also-ran-dom... |
 | 15 09 23 |
R.O. |
This is a new riding and a mix of several other Saskatchewan ridings . conservative Tom Lukiwski is the incumbent and should be able to hold onto this rural riding. Had it existed last election it would of went conservative. |
 | 15 09 24 |
Non profit leader |
Seems like the Tories have completely taken Moose Jaw for granted. One would be hard pressed to find a Tory sign or have seen the Tory 'candidate' at any local events...or heaven forbid canvassing! Saw this in the Leader Post today....expected explains a lot: http://www.leaderpost.com/news/regina/hard+feelings+linger+moose+tory+race/11385803/story.html?rel=815153 |
 | 15 03 29 |
monkey |
Moose Jaw itself could be a close battle and wouldn't shock me if the NDP finish ahead there, but the rural parts will go massively Tory thus ensuring they win here. |
 | 15 03 16 |
JW |
While redistribution makes Regina and Saskatoon ridings very competitive between the Conservatives and the NDP, it also made all (but one) ridings outside the two cities overwhelmingly Conservative. Barring a major Conservative meltdown, this will safely remain Conservative. |
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